IUI, or intrauterine insemination, is a comparatively simple fertility
treatment done with or without fertility drugs. The procedure itself
involves placing processed semen containing motile or mobile
sperms through the cervix into the uterine cavity around the time of
ovulation to maximise the likelihood of conception.
Eligibility before IUI Treatment
- Mandatory Confirmation that you are ovulating, either with or
without medications
- Patent tubes
- A normal or mild to moderate decreased sperm count
Who needs IUI ?
- Women with unexplained infertility
- Male partners having minor semen abnormalities or ejaculatory
- Male partners who have frozen sperm obtained prior to surgery,
travel, or treatment for diseases
- LGBT couples, heterosexual couples struggling with male factor,
or single women looking to conceive or in need of donor eggs .
LGBT couples, heterosexual couples struggling with male factor,
or single women looking to conceive or in need of donor eggs .
Wonders of IUI
Medication is taken before the injection which helps to stimulate
egg count making a woman more fertile than she would be without
the medication. Then, via the injection, the sperm is transfered inside
the uterine cavity, avoiding having to swim through the cervical
opening and into the uterus on its own, allowing it to meet the egg
more easily.
During the procedure, the male partner will be asked to provide a
semen sample after an hour or two before being scheduled for
insemination. This is done by masturbating into a sterile container at
the doctor’s clinic or at home. The semen is “filtered” to separate the
sperm from the seminal fluid. This is done before the sperm can be
injected into the uterus because the seminal fluid contains
substances that can cause irritation issues in your uterus. The
insemination takes only a few minutes. A fertility specialist will place
a pier glass inside the vagina and inserts a small catheter through the
cervix into the uterine cavity thus injecting the sperm through the
catheter into the uterus. During this procedure, the patient will not
experience any sought of discomfort.
A Small Pocket Treatment
IUI is less expensive than in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is usually
covered by insurance, making it more an accessible, popular, and
minimally invasive procedure. The average cost of an IUI cycle is
What is the success rate of Triplets & Twins with
If you are on ovary-stimulating medication before your IUI
procedure. Then , there is a chance that when it comes time to
ovulate, your body releases more than one egg, and a woman can
become pregnant with twins. This happens in about 30-40 % of cases
involving IUI.
How can an IUI cycle improves my chances of
Since the sperm is placed directly inside a woman’s uterus, which is
closer to the site of fertilization. IUI also improves the delivery of the
sperm to the egg passage especially when the sperm count is low or
having zero sperm mobility .
How soon can I know if this treatment was
The success can be made sure in only 2 weeks – if you become
pregnant, you will most likely miss your next biological cycle . A blood
test will confirm whether or not you are pregnant.
How many cycles I need of IUIs to become
If a woman does not conceive after an IUI cycle, they may have to
repeat the procedure. On Further evaluation , if a patient doesn’t
get pregnant after several IUI Cycles may be recommended IVF
Treatment .
There are many differences between IUI and IVF but the most crucial
difference is that the sperm is not injected into the egg during IUI to
achieve fertilization. The fertilization is still meant to happen
naturally through IUI – Fertility Experts assist to place the sperm a
little closer near to the site of fertilisation process where the egg
happens to fuse with its sperm